tracer technique

英 [ˈtreɪsə(r) tekˈniːk] 美 [ˈtreɪsər tekˈniːk]

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  1. A Preliminary Study on Application of Stable Isotope Tracer Technique in Environmental Field
  2. The highly sensitive radio tracer technique is often used to follow tagged synthetic soil ingredients.
  3. Isotope tracer technique showed that glucosamine sulfate above can pass through the skin in vitro of test animal in a diffusion cell and osmose into subcutaneous tissue.
  4. The fluorescent tracer technique is an effective means to detect the residual quantity of water treatment agent.
  5. Application of Isotope Tracer Technique on the Study of the Filling and Release Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes
  6. Tracer technique was used to study the retention time distribution ( RTD) in these bioreactors and a combinational mathematical model was also established for describing the retention time distribution in the bioreactors.
  7. Study on the Drought Resistance with Super-weak Bioluminescence Technique and the Isotope Tracer Technique
  8. The local liquid velocities in a gas-liquid two-phase bubble column were measured using electrolyte tracer technique.
  9. The isotopic tracer technique was applied to study the adsorption and desorption of cobalt-60 in paddy soil on powdery loam, yellow-red earth, paddy soil on blue purple clay and sea clay.
  10. Liquid equal residence time distributions on DJ type tray with guide plate were measured in air-water system by using hot-water tracer technique and computerized multipass thermometer. Effect of guide plate on liquid flow was studied.
  11. It shows that the radioactive tracer technique is effective for the study of filling and release behaviour of CNTs.
  12. Application of isotope tracer technique on well logging in Oilfield developments of China
  13. Effects of IAA and zeatin introduced through secondary roots on translocation and partitioning of photosynthate in maize during kernel formation stage and grain filling period was studied in a experiment by using isotopic tracer technique.
  14. Progress in the Isotope Tracer Technique for Marine Science
  15. Review of progresses in application of~ ( 137) Cs tracer technique to the estimate of soil erosion
  16. The PIV technique and auxiliary dye-tracer technique are used to display the flow field.
  17. Study on the implantation of~ 7be and~ 7li ion beams into corn seed by tracer technique
  18. This paper interprets isotope tracer technique and introduces its development of industrial application both inside and outside the country.
  19. The application of stable isotope tracer technique has rapidly increased in clinical pharmacokinetic studies over the past two decades.
  20. Some characteristics such as accumulation, transference of HTO in simulated marine ecosystem were studied with isotope tracer technique.
  21. In the paper, it describes the basic principle, requirement, and method of the elemental tracer technique.
  22. Finally, the prospects of industrial applicaton of isotope tracer technique is also discussed.
  23. The new techniques such as tracer technique and GIS technique are combining with the traditional methods to improved the assessment methods for groundwater sustainable yield.
  24. Application of double-tracer technique in mines